Monday, September 29, 2008

Sick Day

Carter has had a cough at night since Thursday. This weekend he also had a cough during the day. I decided to stay home to day in hopes that he would feel better sooner. He is acting fine, just more tired, not eating, and has a terrible runny nose.We are taking the day easy, watching some t.v., doing some playdoh, and building with Legos. It is nice to have this day as I missed them on Sunday,

On Sunday I went to Elitches with Heather, so it was a boys day at home. The boys had a fun day with daddy. They watched a lot of football and ate hot dogs for lunch and for dinner. Carter decided that he would take off his pull-up and go poop on the floor and Tyler decided that he would just have accidents all day. Justin still says it was a good day .

Tomorrow is Tyler's 3 year well check-up at the doctors. I am hoping that he can finally stop drinking whole milk and that the pediatrician will have some ideas with his sleeping and his anger issues of late. Tyler has always been a very intense child when it comes to his emotions. Now when he doesn't like something he gets mad and throws things, hits me, and yells at me. Obviously we don't allow this behavior and he gets disciplined, but I would like some ideas of how to give him ways to express his anger in an acceptable manner. Also I know part of the intensity is from the sensory stuff, I just don't know how much of it. Of course along with his appointment he will also have to get his blood drawn, wish us luck!

1 comment:

BJS said...

"hot dogs for both lunch and dinner..."

Of COURSE that is a good day. Hard to imagine a better one.