Friday, September 5, 2008

The Games We Play

Last night Justin was getting home from work a little late. The boys were getting restless so I thought maybe we would try some games. First we did Ring Around the Rosy. The boys are great at this and have it down now. After 10 times of falling down however I thought maybe we could move on to something else.

So I tried Duck Duck Goose. The boys sat down and I called Tyler Goose and told him to chase me. He seemed to get the concept so it was his turn to go around the circle. He kept going around the circle patting our heads and saying duck duck duck duck duck. I told him he needed to pick Carter or me. He finally squealed duck and started running -I guess that's how he picked me. Next it was Carter's turn. He just walked around the circle, saying "quack quack". I asked him if he wanted to pick Tyler or me. He said Tyler so I told him to go pat Tyler on the head. He went and gave Tyler a head bump.....time to move onto the next game.

Red Light, Green Light. Tyler tells me all the time that red means stop and green means go, and he used to play it in soccer so they should get this game right? I yelled Green light and both boys came running. I yelled red light and tell them they need to stop. They stop and run back to the starting point. Well Tyler ran back and Carter followed. We tried it a few times, but they just kept running back to the starting place never coming close to me. Next.....

Hide and Seek was the next one. We have played this before, but for some reason it was connecting. I covered my eyes and counted to 10 and told them to go hide. When I was done counting Tyler was "hiding" in front of the fridge - right where I could see him. Carter was standing right next to me. So I told Tyler to count and I would hide. He counted to 6 and came and found me. Carter then walks up with his two pointer fingers poking his eyes (which were open) and saying "one" over and over again. I tried hiding one more time in a harder location. The boys couldn't find me and started crying...time to go outside.

We went outside and Tyler showed me how he learned to climb a tree Wednesday night with daddy - a first. He went right up with no problem. Carter needed some help but then also climbed the tree. At least they have tree climbing down, and those games sure created a lot of laughter.

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