Sunday, June 21, 2009

Favorite Things

For a while now the boys have been napping in two different places. Tyler in our bedroom and Carter in their bedroom. We did this because instead of sleeping they would stay up talking, playing, and occasionally destroying the room. As of recent they have learned that they can talk to each other through the vents. So throughout naptime they just talk away like they are in the same room. We do discipline them for this as they should be staying in their beds at least trying to have quiet time, but it is sweet none the less.

The boys, as usual, take me by surprise with how much they are friends. They definitely have their moments where one is taking a toy from another, or won't stop wrestling when the other one asks them to, but there are sweet moments to. Tyler will ask Carter to play with him all the time and Carter is always happy to accept the invitation. Tyler is also getting better at helping Carter stay out of trouble instead of getting him in trouble. Carter was putting his fork into his milk cup (a no no here) and instead of tattling like Tyler usually does he told Carter "don't put your fork in the cup Carter or you will get in trouble ok?"

And one more favorite thing - whenever Carter prays at night the first thing he always says he is thankful for is Jesus. After that it is usually Tyler, mommy, and daddy. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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