Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cute Sayings

Just some more cute things my cute kids have been doing.
  • "Its a beautiful day outside", is said by Carter a few times everyday. As soon as we step outside he says it (even if its snowing). He also says it when I tell him he needs to wear a coat "but its a beautiful day outside so I don't need to" or when I tell them they can't roll their windows down"but it's a beautiful day outside mom".
  • On Sunday morning the boys came into our room as they always do on the weekends. Justin and I hoping to snooze for a few more minutes put some cartoons on. The boys didn't want to watch t.v. so they played Noah's ark instead. Our whole bedroom was the ark (because the ark is big ya know) and the boys sat in laundry baskets for their cages inside the boat. Tyler would go to our bedroom door and say "Look the water is coming we have to shut the door!" and then would close our bedroom door. Carter, being a baby seal, would then say he was "afraid and scared" . Tyler, being a mommy monkey, would then try to comfort Carter. Justin and I were Noah and Noah's wife. Very fun to watch, even if it meant we didn't get any extra sleep.
  • Like I said in my last post Tyler is finally coming out of his shell and talking to people more. When we go to restaurants he asks to order for himself and always says please or thank you to the waitress. We were checking out at the grocery store and it was Tyler who was asking the clerk his name (usually something that Carter does) We went to the mall so I could get some Christmas shopping done. As we were leaving the boys saw that Santa was there. The boys waved and shouted hi to Santa. Since there was no line we let them go and talk to him (they didn't sit in his lap or anything because we weren't going to get any pictures done). Tyler went right on up and said hello and told him his name. When Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas he said a car. Carter also said he wanted a car. Santa gave them a coloring book and a paper elf hat and said good night. As we were leaving Carter says I asked Santa for a car, but he didn't give him one, he only gave me this (holding up the book and hat).
  • At swim class the other day, which both the boys love, Tyler got in trouble for pulling Carter's hair so he had to go in time out. When Carter gets out of the pool I asked him how swim class was he say "not good". When I ask him why he responds "Tyler pulled my hair, that's why it was not good." The next swim class Carter slipped in the pool a little (he is a little daredevil). When he got out of the pool he tells me "swim class was not good cause I fell". Tyler just comes running up and exclaims "I listened!!" since he didn't have to go to time out that day. He seemed to forget that his teacher had to call him name a few hundred times however.

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