Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Three Year Check-Up

Carter has his three year check up. He is doing great and the doctor has no concerns - he is actually ahead in many areas. He did great during the appointment. He was excited to do all the big things like stand on the scale, get his blood pressure checked, and wear a gown (which he wore for 5 minutes before taking it off). His stats are: weight 32.2 lbs and in the 55%. height 36.5 inches and in the 25%, his bmi was 17.1, and his blood pressure was 84/58. Yes he is only .6 lbs less than his big brother. We were a little worried about when to start portion control with Carter, as he is a bigger eater than Tyler and a little less active. The doctor said so far he is just fine and we don't need to worry about it. If his weight starts increasing above his curve then we would set some limits but right now he is just fine.

Both boys feel asleep on the way to the appointment and Tyler was a mess during it, having tantrum after tantrum. He continues to have them now that we are home. I am not sure if its because a lack of sleep - with the time change he is getting less than normal, if he was hungry - he only ate a little lunch, or if he is sick. They both have had a little cough in the mornings and runny noses, but no fevers. The doctor checked his ears again just to make sure and they still looked great. I am hoping that one of these nights soon the boys will be able to go to bed early and have decent naps. Unfortunately tonight they have to go into work with me so hopefully the mood will change for the better.

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