Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Yesterday Tyler had a Thanksgiving feast at school. In the note I got from the teacher all it said was that parents were invited to come join the class and eat with their kids. So I didn't think it would be a very big things. They also asked to sign up for one item to bring. Tyler was very excited to bring in strawberry applesauce. I went up to join his class and saw all the kids either wearing Indian hats or pilgrim hats that they made. I knew right then that I made a mistake not bringing the camcorder.

The class sung two different songs "I am special" and "Thank you Lord". Tyler had been practicing "Thank you Lord" around the house, so that should have clued me in. Oh well. I did have my still camera so I took a few pictures before the batteries died (doesn't he look thrilled!). Tyler did so well during the performance. He sang every word (although quietly) and did all the hand motions. After the singing was done all the kids went and found their seats at the tables and the parents served them turkey slices, cheese sticks, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and juice. For dessert they got pumpkin cookies. Tyler was very excited for the cookies. It was very cute to watch him interact with some of his friends(although he still keeps mostly to himself). He teacher mentioned to me that Tyler was talking about picking up his aunt from the airport (we picked up Aunt Dawn on Sunday and drove her to Buena Vista to meet up with Bapa). So I was happy to hear that he was starting to talk to his teachers more as well.

A quick PT update - he is already improving having 5 degrees better flexibility in his hamstrings. Also the therapist (Dawn) mentioned that he opened up to her today as well. So glad to see him coming out of his shell!

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