Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lies, Lies, Lies

The boys have entered a new phase in their development - lying. I am glad to know that it is just a milestone in their development, but its not a fun one nonetheless. This morning one of them had taken the sheet down from their window that we use to keep the sun out. When I asked them which one of them took it down they both said "not me". I told them they would both be disciplined if I didn't get the truth and evermore they would be disciplined for lying to me. Tyler quickly piped up and said "it was me". I thanked him for telling me the truth and that was the end of it. Tyler has gotten in trouble for lying before so I was happy to see he fessed up to it. I would have rather he told me the first time, but the second time is progress at least.

So we go upstairs to clean their room and I see that all of the hangers that were hanging up are now on the floor. I ask them who did it so they can help me clean it up. Once again they both say "not me". When I ask who did it then they both tell me the other one did it. I was assuming it was Carter, as it is usually him who has been known to climb up and take everything down that is hanging in their closet. Tyler then tells me that he was taking down the sheet and Carter went over, turned on the light, and then climbed up and took them down. As Tyler says "it makes sense". So I am trying to get Carter to tell me, but he keeps telling me it wasn't him. At this point I assume he is just being stubborn. So I ask him one by one. "Who took the shoes down Carter?" Carter responds that he did. I thanked him for telling me the truth. When I ask him who took the hangers down he once again told me it was Tyler. So now I am getting suspicious of Tyler again, knowing Carter isn't that good of a liar. After 30 minutes or so go by without either of them telling me the truth I call Justin to see if he had any insight. He tells me they did it this morning. When he went in their room to check on them Tyler was sitting on the dresser and Carter was hiding behind my wedding dress (another no no). So they were both lying to me, but Tyler's story was way more fabricated. They both got punished for lying. I apologized to Carter for making him help me clean it up (I made him after Tyler told me they story that "made sense"). and off we were for the day. We went to the mall to get haircuts (which they both did great for and the picture is to show off the new hair), but they were not allowed to play because they lied to me (the second part of their punishment). As I was disciplining them I kept telling them that they are getting in trouble for lying, not for making the mess. We have also been watching the Boy Who Cried Wolf movies on the computer. I am hoping they get it soon.

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