Thursday, November 5, 2009

Little Sayings

Carter cracks us up with the things that he says. He talks so well, but still mixes things up. For example he all of a sudden has a fear of automatic toilets, or really any public toilet. He doesn't like how loud they are and has to cover his ears. So whenever we go into the bathroom he always ask "is this a slow one" instead of is it a quiet one.

On the way home tonight Tyler wanted his window down. I told him no because it would be too cold. Carter says "yeah and its too dark too". Because darkness is a factor with the window being down.

During bath time Justin puts Carter's hair into a mohawk, he calls it a dinosaur.

And then a brag from Justin about Tyler. We were out to dinner and the first bar of Ring of Fire comes on (not even words to the song, just the music)- Tyler immediately says "hey that's Johnny Cash!". Well Done.

1 comment:

BJS said...


Toby did (and sometimes still does) the whole cover-his-ears thing with loud toilets. It's funny. He thinks they are all too loud and doesn't like them. But he's getting better at it.