Saturday, March 12, 2011

7 Months!!!

Happy 7 months Nolan!!! I say it every month, but I really can't believe you are already 7 months old. It seems too old to me. You are officially a mover and a shaker. You scoot, army crawl, and roll everywhere. You especially like to find all the things on the floor that you shouldn't find, your favorite being paper. The boys are being great about getting things out of your hands that you shouldn't have. You love to clap and love it when we sing to you and read to you. You love to put anything and everything in your mouth, most notably food! We have not found a food you don't like to eat. You  still get cereal every morning, fruit at lunch and veggies at dinner. Now you are at stage 2 foods though so you are getting more. We have also started giving you puffs and cheerios. You are getting much better at getting them into your mouth, however most still end up at the bottom of your chair. Along with your solids you still at 6-7 ounces in a bottle 4 times a day. You now enjoy sitting with us at the table when we eat our dinners or our just hanging out at the table. Your naps at getting longer everyday it seems and you still go down every easy and sleep great at night. You are by far our easiest baby, always having a smile for us and only getting fussy when you are hungry or tired. They say at the church nursery they can not forget to feed you because within 5 minutes of the time I tell them you need to eat you are crying for your food! The boys still absolutely adore you, arguing over who gets to play with you, hold you, or help feed you. None of us can imagine life with you- you bring us some many smiles and so much love!

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