Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On Thursday, Tyler had his surgery to fix his circumcision. We could tell he was pretty nervous about it all week, but he handled it like a champ. Justin and I were also concerned about the anesthesia and how he would react, but he surprised us all and did great. We all went to the hospital at 7:15 where we checked in and got settled into our room. Tyler liked getting his blood pressure taken and Carter was excited he now weighed more than Tyler. They watched some shows in the room when the nurse came in. They had a cancellation so Tyler's surgery would be a little earlier than planned. Around 8:30 I left to take Carter to school and Nolan to the nursery. At that point the anesthesiologist came in, Tyler went back to the o.r. with Justin and did just great. Justin tells me he was very talkative and almost drunk-like. He got a little restless before falling asleep, but he never tried to pull off his mask or anything else. I got back to the hospital about 10 minutes before the surgery was done. The doctor came out and told us that everything went well and how to take care of it. About 5 minutes after that the nurse came to get us as he was waking up. We both got to go back to the recovery room where he was just waking up. He woke up just fine, no crying or restlessness or anything like that. He got to eat a popsicle and pick out a stuffed animal (he picked a police dog) before going back to our room. Back in the room he got jello, apple juice, and chocolate pudding - talk about a yummy breakfast. He was released just as it was time to get Nolan and Carter. We then went to pick up his prescription for pain meds and Tyler said he wanted "Old McDonalds" for lunch. He ate just fine there and was actually jumping around and dancing for Nolan. That's pretty much how the rest of the day went - Tyler running around like nothing had happened. He also went to the bathroom just fine and while we gave him his pain meds to stay ahead of the pain, he really never had any pain once we left the hospital. He was very excited to go get a toy with the gift card from Oma and Opa  - he picked out Star Wars legos that he woke up at 5:45 to get a start on and finished them within a few hours. He also let us know that ravioli (not one of his favorite foods) wouldn't be ok for dinner because of his surgery - he knows how to work it all ready. We have his follow-up in 4 weeks, but I would call it a success and we are all glad its now behind us!

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