Saturday, March 12, 2011


For the past week we all have been sick. Carter had it the worst last weekend, having a fever for about three days and a nasty cough. Tyler has a very low fever one day, but that was it. Justin was sick all last weekend with a fever and cough as well. Because of that the boys didn't get to sing at church on Sunday with their classes. They also missed school on Monday. They seemed to handle it pretty well however. On Wednesday night I got sick and on Thursday it felt like I had two black eyes from all the sinus pressure. Luckily I am feeling better now, and Justin was off on Thursday which gave me the much needed rest I needed. We are most happy about the fact that so far it seems that Nolan didn't get any of the sickness that has been floating around. He is a little stuffier and somewhat fussier, so while I don't think he is feeling 100% he hasn't had a fever and no cough - thank the Lord!

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