Monday, March 28, 2011

Its a.....


I had my ultrasound today and my 20 week appointment. I was nervous because I still really haven't felt the baby move. However we found out that my placenta is right in front, which is why I am not feeling her. She was kicking like crazy even though I couldn't feel her She was also curled up on her side, with her feet in her mouth and stayed in that position most of the time Her heartbeat was at 157 bpm, she looks perfectly healthy and is measuring in the 87th percentile right now. Because of her position there is no denying that she is a she. Justin even saw it on the screen before the ultrasound tech told us. She asked if we wanted to know and if we would believe her when she told us. I said "yes, its a boy right?" and she said "nope its a girl!"!! I am immediately yelled "what!" and "are you sure" and she was 100% . Justin and I both teared up a little and its still very surreal to think we will have a daughter. Most importantly we are happy that she seems so healthy.

After the ultrasound we went a picked up a pink onesie and then picked the boys up from school early. We showed them the onesie and asked them if they knew what it meant. They immediately said it meant a girl and went and told their teachers. They then ran around the church carrying the onesie singing "we are going to have a sister" and telling everyone they saw. It was so cute to watch and I love that they are excited to be big brothers to a sister. Can't believe its a girl!!!! If anyone has any suggestions for a new blog name let me know!

1 comment:

Em said...

Yay! I know I said it on FB too, but YAY!

How about "Three Little Men and a Little Lady" for your blog?