Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun in The Car

Some of the best things that the boys say happen in the car. This afternoon we were driving back from the mall. Carter kept saying he had it. Tyler then said he had it. They were going back and forth saying each other had it (not really sure what it was). Tyler then tells Carter that he doesn't have it and Carter immediately bursts into tears. We had to console him by letting him know that he did have it, as did mommy and daddy. The tears stopped immediately. We still have no idea what it was.

Justin turned Johnny Cash on in the car again today., After one line was sung Tyler from the backseat told us "that's Johnny Cash!" Well done Tyler, well done.

We have decided that Carter is ready to be an NFL analysis. We points out every obvious thing. "look bench", "man running", "Quemess tee" (Christmas tree), "car driving". Look out Dan Dierdorf!

And something the melts my heart....Carter was having a tough night tonight. Not sure why but he just kept crying and crying as he was getting into his pajamas. Once he was dressed I rocked him and sang him songs. He calmed down but was still sniffling quite a bit. Tyler then came up with their pacifiers. They each get two every night. Tyler gave Carter three and only kept one for himself because Carter was sad. Life is good.

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