Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Nolan!!!!

Nolan, I can't believe its been a year since you joined our family. It seemed like you were always a part of it though. The transition of you being born was so easy because it was like you were always a part of us. You have been a laid back, easy baby from the beginning. You never cared being brought place to place to get your brothers to their activities. You were always a good sleeper and eater and you still are.

As you are getting older you are always making us laugh and smile.  Your smile is contagious and with your beautiful blue eyes people can't help themselves but comment on your cuteness. I love the little curls of your hair, the way your belly button is a tiny outie, the way the top of your feet are always filthy from you crawling everywhere, and your mischievous look you give me when you know you shouldn't be doing something.

You do love to get into everything. It seems that you have taken up this phase a little early. Already getting into the toilet, dog food, and trash, it seems we can't baby proof enough things. You have also already started tantrums early. When  you aren't allowed to go somewhere you want, like outside with your brothers, you will lay on the floor, put your head back  and cry. And for a child who doesn't walk you sure climb everything. At the play area of the mall you can go up any slide or structure. At home you climb from our couch on to bookshelves or anything else that looks like fun. I have a feeling you will be climbing out of your crib earlier than either of your brothers.

Speaking of you brothers - you absolutely are smitten with them. You want to do whatever they are doing and will just watch out the door when they are outside hoping to be with them. Your favorite room in the house is their bedroom. Not a room you get to go into very often, but when you get the chance we can't wipe the grin off your face. And they love you too. They love to teach you new things, read to you, tell me what you are doing in the car, and they love to make you laugh. Your world has been turned upside down in the last week with Olivia. Right now you are not so sure of her, but every once in a while you go up to her and just smile and I know that you guys will be fast friends as well. I can't wait to see you take on the big brother role with her.

I love that you are a mama's boy, Always wanting me and always willing to give me hugs and kisses. You laying on me just cuddling is one of my favorite things in the world. It will be a sad day when you no longer want to cuddle with me. As much as I can't wait to see you take your first steps and start talking up a storm (I think that would help with the tantrums) I also know how much I will miss this stage with you. So Nolan, my big one year old, I know you are about to grow up so quickly in the next year, amazing me with what you can do every day. But do mommy a favor and still be my little cuddle bug. I love you Nolan Isaac - Happy Birthday!!!!

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