Sunday, August 21, 2011


I feel like I am forgetting so many things lately, so here are just some quick updates.
  • At Nolan's one year check-up we also weighed Olivia. She was weighing in at 7lbs 7 oz. I was glad that she is back up to her birth weight and seems to be doing well. She also got her second newborn screening test and handled it like a champ. 
  • I must say its a little odd to not have Tyler around during the day. Carter seems to be handling it ok so far, but he is having some more tantrums and things. Tyler is also having a few more tantrums and issues trying to adjust to doing something all day long and being over tired. I think this is an adjustment that may take awhile for all of us. 
  • The good side of this however, is that the boys seem to come together every afternoon and play just like they did before Tyler was gone all day. They also seem to fight less and enjoy each other more. I hope this trend keeps up. While I know their relationship will change, it breaks my heart to think they won't be each others best friend anymore.
  • Nolan has started taking some steps!!! He has taken two or three steps and seems to do it more frequently everyday. We are hoping within a couple of weeks we will have a full blown walked on our hands!
  • We also think he may have said his real first word.  We were at the zoo (more on that later) and looking at the fish. He kept saying "ish, ish", however we are still not sure it was him trying to say fish or just making more of his gibberish sounds. 
  • Olivia is doing great. She usually goes 4 hours stretches at night and only wakes us up once at night. However she doesn't always go right back to sleep at that time. which is hard as she is in our room and we hear her every sound. She also gets the hiccups ALL the time. I still can't wrap my head around that I have a daughter.

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