Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oma's Visit

We had a wonderful time with Oma here. She was, as always, a great help. She made us lots of yummy food, changed lots of diapers, and even hired a cleaning service before Nolan's party so I wouldn't have to worry about it. The boys of course loved having her around as well. One day she took all three boys, along with Jessie and their kids, to the zoo so that I could have a morning at home with just Livi. She also bought Tyler and Carter a hermit crab with a spiderman shell, whom they call Hermie (after going through many other names - Bob, Tom, Sammer, Hermic, etc). Tyler was very excited that he was going to be able to tell his Kindergarten class that he now has two pets - a dog and a hermit crab! We all said goodbye to Oma after Nolan's party and started missing her right away. We can't wait til we get to see her again!

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