Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nana and Bapa's Visit

Nana and Bapa came into town the night before Nolan's party and brought along Griffin, Noah, and Faith with them. The boys were very excited to see everybody, but was most excited to go to the campsite with them! On Sunday afternoon, Nana and Bapa came and picked them up. Tyler spent Sunday and Monday night at the campsite with them, and Carter stayed through Thursday. They had a blast playing putt-putt, swimming, coloring, and just running around and exploring everything. We also all went to the Olympic Training Center one day, which I think the adults enjoyed more than the kids. On Wednesday, Tyler's first day of school, Nana and Bapa went down to Trinidad and since Justin was off of work we kept Carter with us. We went up to Denver to show Olivia off at his work and Carter got to chose his lunch and he wanted ravioli so we went to Magiannio's . After a celebratory dinner at Red Robin for the first day of school, Carter went back to the campsite. He enjoyed his one on one time with Nana and Bapa Thursday and loved getting to swim  all morning. After Justin and I picked up Tyler we went up there and played putt-putt with our big boys and then cooked out hamburgers for dinner. We said goodbye to them that night and were sad to see them go. The boys can't wait to go camping with Nana and Bapa again.

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