Friday, December 28, 2007

Another Christmas

Last night we had my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew (B.J., Abbi, and Toby) over for dinner and to open gifts from my side of the family. The boys played very well for the most part, although there were some sharing battles. But really what can you expect from 2 two year olds? Once we reminded them they had to share, they did great. The biggest tantrum of the night came from Tyler. He opened up a present from Oma and Opa- a grocery cart. I mistakenly opened the box, thinking that it was already assembled. Nope it was in 4 pieces and needs to be screwed together. Tyler couldn't get over that he couldn't play with it right then and there. We put him in his room to have his tantrum and quickly assembled it. We probably should have just made him wait, but it was "Christmas" after all. When he came back down and saw it was put together life was good again.

Carter and Tyler were more into opening the gifts this time than on Tuesday. Carter is very meticulous when opening. He rips off tiny pieces one at a time. Tyler just rips and rips until he can see a tiny piece of the present and then goes to grab another present. Now I just have to find places for all their new stuff.

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