Thursday, December 13, 2007

Updates and other ramblings...

Just some updates on Tyler. He had speech on Tuesday morning. His therapist thinks that he can now go to once a month for "maintenance" work, instead of therapy every two weeks. She is pretty confident that he is now at age level. While I see everyday how much better Tyler is doing, it still somewhat worries me. If he is talking about something out of context, its hard for me to understand what he is saying. This is happening more and more lately as he will tell me things that happened earlier in the day. It usually takes me a good time to finally figure it out. Other times I never truly understand what he is saying.

The therapist also asked me if I wanted Tyler to see a child psychologist. This totally put me back. Tyler is already showing signs of being a perfectionist. He is very much a Type A personality. I have no idea where he gets this from. Anyway, say he is building Legos and they topple over. Tyler gets beside himself. The first few times he will be ok about it. He will scream NO, fuss a little and then build it up again. However if it keeps falling over he will get beside himself. Have a total meltdown, where there really isn't much I an do to help him. I try to intervene before this happens and ask him if I can help. But this doesn't always work. Because of these meltdowns, the therapist wants a psychologist to work with Tyler on how to deal with these things. I thought this was normal two year old behavior? She says this behavior should be getting better and with Tyler it seems to be about the same, if not getting worse.

I have decided that I am not going to worry about it. If I get a call for him to see a child psychologist one day then we will go to the appointment. However I will not go and seek one out myself. I guess we will see how worried the therapist is about Tyler. If she really think its that big of a deal she will call our service coordinator to set it up for us. Gotta love the wait and see game.

Tyler also bit in the nursery yesterday! I couldn't believe it since he had been doing so well. The director, as usual, was very nice about it. I isolated Tyler for a little bit, made sure I sat at his table for lunch so it wouldn't happen again, and then he was allowed to play again. I am not quite sure why he bit the kid either. It was during circle time that I was leading. The kids were suppose to be singing songs with me. This doesn't interest Tyler so he was climbing on a foam structure we have with another child. I am not sure if there was pushing involved or what, but he bit him on the back. Luckily the kid's mom was very nice about it. Her response was "good, now he knows what it feels like when he bites his brother". Man I love it when other moms understand! I just hope this doesn't become a daily thing again.

Justin decided to put all the ornaments up. So the bottom two feet of our tree has zero ornaments. However this has still not worked. Carter now just reaches up and takes off the ornaments he can reach. Do we make it so half the tree has ornaments and the other half doesn't?

1 comment:

Deb aka Oma said...

I think Justin's Christmas ornament idea is great. Take a photo of the tree with all the ornaments on the top and Carter sitting underneath; it'll be a funny reminder in years to come of his second Christmas, and by next year the ornaments will probably be safe from little hands. Love, Deb