Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh Christmas tree

We decorated the Christmas tree on Sunday. Tyler really did not want to hang any ornaments on the tree, but he did bring the ornaments to us. He was so excited when we turned off the lights and turned on the Christmas tree lights. Every time he sees it now (which is a few dozen times a day as its in the front living room) he has to say "issmas tee". I tried to get a picture of both of them in front of the tree, but like usual it didn't work out.I would think by now the boys would be used to the tree. But no. Carter will not stay away from it. He has already broken two ornaments and I have taken at least 15 other ornaments from his hands. Justin says we should just move all the ornaments up, but I am thinking that it will wear off soon - the wanting to touch the tree that is. We didn't have this problem with Tyler so I am at a loss of what to do. Any ideas?

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