Monday, December 17, 2007

Big Boy

Recently I have been receiving many comments on how Carter no longer looks like a baby, but more like a boy. Yes he still has a baby look to him, but its going away. I have talked before about how Carter is acting more like a toddler, but to me he is still my baby.

When Tyler was this age, he initiated doing many "chores" around the house. He would help us feed the dog, help me clean the kitchen, help with the laundry, throw trash away, etc. Because Tyler is here and does all these things, Carter really hasn't. However I am not sure if its because Tyler does these things for him, or if its because I don't think Carter is capable of doing them yet. I don't see Carter as a 14 month old. To me he is still maybe 9 months or so, learning to cruise around the furniture.

Justin and I have decided to see how "capable" Carter really is. He threw trash away for us the other day and he was so proud of himself, much like Tyler was the first time. Both of them helped me with the laundry today, and Carter now sits at the table with us with his own plate, instead of his tray. What a big boy.

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