Friday, January 25, 2008


I am figuring out how much I need to have time with the family together. It has been a very busy few weeks, with Justin's busy season at both jobs and with Young Life. On a normal week we only have Thursday nights where we are all home for the entire night. Monday is Young Life, Tuesday night Justin works, Wednesday night I work and Friday night Justin works. Saturday night Justin is usually also working and starting in two weeks, Sunday I have Bible Study. So I crave my Thursdays.

We were suppose to have a Young Life meeting last night, which meant not a single night together. I was almost in tears at the thought of this. Then I became very impatient with the kids, because in my mind it meant I wasn't going to get any breaks either. Justin would get home and we would immediately have to leave and not get home until 9, which is way past the boys bedtime. Not really what I wanted to do. I wasn't happy and taking it out on the boys, which is not fair to them at all. Justin made the call that we wouldn't go. I felt bad, because we did make a commitment to Young Life, but as Justin says, we need to take care of ourselves as well.

So instead we went out to eat and had a fun time as a family. Tyler did great sitting in the booth and Carter, while fussy at certain times, did pretty well too. They both got balloons, which always makes everything better right? We got home, put the boys to bed and Justin and I watched some t.v. and went to bed early. Not that exciting, but its something I really needed. Even though on the nights Justin works he doesn't go in til 7:30 (after the boys are in bed) I still need time with him, and need to have relaxed family time where we are not rushing the boys before Justin runs out the door. So last night we got that time and I feel so much better, so refreshed. Its amazing what spending time with the people you love the most can do for you.

1 comment:

Deb aka Oma said...

Just read your post from yesterday; you are so, so much wiser than I was at your age and at your time of life with your family. You guys made the right decision to spend the evening with yourselves! You always need to take care of yourself before you can give the most to your family. Yea, Meredith! and yea Justin too -- thanks for taking care of our girl!