Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Speech! Speech!

We had Tyler's speech therapy today. We usually do it in the morning, but we had it right after lunch today. We all agreed this was a better time for Tyler as he was more interactive. He did pretty well. She is very impressed with the language he uses and his vocabulary. For example we were playing a matching game. There was a picture of a horse, a cat and a dog. The cat had its eyes closed so Tyler said it was asleep. He then said the dog was awake and the "horse was awake too". She was blown away that he uses the word too, as in also. I guess that it's not that common among his age group. She says he still is a little behind in how he says some of his sounds. He doesn't always give the first sound of a word. Horse is "orse" for example. She also is concerned about the language with the questions. She thinks he understands what we are saying/asking him. He just doesn't understand the language to use to respond to those. So we will be working on that for the next few weeks to see where that gets us.

I was telling her how I was going to hold him for a year before Kindergarten. The cut off is one week after his birthday. He can go when he is 4 almost 5, but we will hold him til he is 5 almost 6. I am going to do this just because in my experiences, its better for boys to have that extra year. Plus he would not only be the youngest in his class but also the smallest. She commented on that he would have 3 full years of preschool then. I was kinda taken aback by this as before she didn't think Tyler would qualify for the preschool program. I guess only time will tell.

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