Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Imitator

It cracks me up how much Tyler imitates us. Not the normal everyday stuff, like combing hair, throwing the bag the newspaper came in away right away kind of stuff, but our funny quirks. Apparently when the boys are doing something cute or silly I cock my head to the side and give a scrunched up face smile. Not sure why I do this, I just do. Tyler does this too now, except he will go back and forth from side to side making the scrunched up face.

Justin is fidgety. When he sits down he has to adjust his shirt and stretch his neck and fidget about 20 times before he is comfy - he will then continue to fidget every now and then. Well Tyler has picked up on this. When we eat dinner Justin will sit down and do his fidgeting thing. Tyler then proceeds to also move his neck back and forth, just like daddy.

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