Monday, February 23, 2009

Been Quiet

Sorry for the lack of posts. Justin was gone to the state wrestling tournament and I have had an awful cold. Luckily the boys have been behaving quite well the past week. There have been a few time outs but for the most part they have been troopers.

On Friday my cold was so bad I stayed home from work again (I only worked one day last week) and called the nurse who wanted me to come in. They think its just a very bad cold and she did give me a prescription, but thankfully by Saturday I was feeling better and didn't need to use it. At the appointment they also checked on everything else and everything looks good with the baby (as much as you can check at 6 weeks I guess). I must say I was relieved as I still don't feel pregnant at all.

Like I said the boys have been angels. Tyler keeps asking me if I am still sick and they both are giving me plenty of cuddles. They have gotten to watch more t.v. than often but because of our springtime weather they have been outside lots too. Tyler also sang at church again on Sunday and I hope to put the video up soon. He did pretty well at the beginning but then got a little distracted. So there is the update, hopefully I will be back to regular posting soon.

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