Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun Family Day

Yesterday Justin didn't have to work, which was the first Saturday since Christmas and probably the last one off til mid March or April so we took advantage of it. After soccer class we headed up to the Aquarium. We stopped for lunch on the way and Carter burst into tears because he wanted to "see da fishys". After Justin promised him that we were still going to see them he was fine again.

The boys loved the aquarium. Tyler says his favorite part was feeding the sting rays, even tho he was scared to get to close to them. Carter's favorite part was the jelly fish, although he really seemed to enjoy seeing the shark's teeth as well. On the way home Tyler told me he was growing up. When I told him that he was and asked him if he should go to school next year he started crying and said "no I want to be a sting ray when I grow up". He then took off his socks and shoes because sting rays can't wear those.

After some quiet time I took Carter to go pick out a movie for Family Movie Night. I had a lot of fun taking just Carter. He did very well in the store and helped me pick out Madagascar 2. He then sang for me all the way home. After some pizza for dinner we settled down with popcorn and watched the movie together. The boys seemed to like it a lot and didn't even get nervous. Life is good.

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