Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stuck Between 2 and 4

Three. I have heard before how a boy of three years old is stuck between being 2 years old and 4 years old. I think this is absolutely true. And the best part, it changes based on the minute. There are times when I look at Tyler and he seems so grown up. We have complete conversations, he is polite, listens and takes such great care of his brother. He is so independent of me. I could ask him to go get himself dressed and five minutes later he will come out and he is dressed.

Then there are other times where I feel like he is two all over again. He will have tantrums over tiny things, do the complete opposite of what I say, pretend not to hear what I say, and not be very nice to his little brother. And he becomes so dependent of me. He needs me to do the simplest things for him, like go downstairs and get his shoes.

Its an interesting balance being three I think. Wanting to grow up and see everything that is out there in the world and be a "big kid" but also always wanting to make sure your mommy is there just in case. Justin and I are trying to figure out our own balance in how to handle him. He is older and should be doing more things on his own. And I think he should be disciplined more than Carter gets for tantrums, because well Carter is 2 and Tyler is 3. But at the same time, I don't want him to become even more of a perfectionist than he already is. I want him to know that mommy will always be here for him no matter what. That he doesn't need to grow up so fast.


Jessica said...

You obviously can do whatever you want to do, but I'm taking a 123 magic parenting class right now to help me with Gabe. And, one thing that they said with my class is that you shouldn't expect one child to be more grown up than another, and you should treat them the same except that time out is one minute for each year the child is old. I have expected more from Carissa in the past and that really got me thinking.

BJS said...

Everything you describe (about being between 2 and 4) is the same issues for Toby.
It sucks. Hang in there.