Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Appointment

If you haven't figured it out by the video below, we are expecting our third child! We are very excited! Today I had my first appointment. It went well, pretty much confirming the pregnancy and drawing blood. The boys did not do so well unfortunately. Usually they behave very well while we are out. And at first they did great. However when it came to draw my blood Carter decided that would be a good time to run all over the place. He even knocked my arm once making the nurse lose the vein having to start the process all over again. Then when I was making my next appointment they decided it would be fun to jump on all the chairs in the waiting room. Needless to say I was pretty embarrassed by their behavior and we have talked about it lots and lost privileges. Hopefully next appointment will be better.

So far I am feeling great besides the cold I have. My next appointment is March 2nd where I will also get an ultrasound. I can't believe we will be a family of 5 in 9 months!


Em said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! I'm so happy for you!!

Diana Oedy said...

Congrats!!! So when does that make you due?