- At Nolan's one year check-up we also weighed Olivia. She was weighing in at 7lbs 7 oz. I was glad that she is back up to her birth weight and seems to be doing well. She also got her second newborn screening test and handled it like a champ.
- I must say its a little odd to not have Tyler around during the day. Carter seems to be handling it ok so far, but he is having some more tantrums and things. Tyler is also having a few more tantrums and issues trying to adjust to doing something all day long and being over tired. I think this is an adjustment that may take awhile for all of us.
- The good side of this however, is that the boys seem to come together every afternoon and play just like they did before Tyler was gone all day. They also seem to fight less and enjoy each other more. I hope this trend keeps up. While I know their relationship will change, it breaks my heart to think they won't be each others best friend anymore.
- Nolan has started taking some steps!!! He has taken two or three steps and seems to do it more frequently everyday. We are hoping within a couple of weeks we will have a full blown walked on our hands!
- We also think he may have said his real first word. We were at the zoo (more on that later) and looking at the fish. He kept saying "ish, ish", however we are still not sure it was him trying to say fish or just making more of his gibberish sounds.
- Olivia is doing great. She usually goes 4 hours stretches at night and only wakes us up once at night. However she doesn't always go right back to sleep at that time. which is hard as she is in our room and we hear her every sound. She also gets the hiccups ALL the time. I still can't wrap my head around that I have a daughter.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I feel like I am forgetting so many things lately, so here are just some quick updates.
Nana and Bapa's Visit
Nana and Bapa came into town the night before Nolan's party and brought along Griffin, Noah, and Faith with them. The boys were very excited to see everybody, but was most excited to go to the campsite with them! On Sunday afternoon, Nana and Bapa came and picked them up. Tyler spent Sunday and Monday night at the campsite with them, and Carter stayed through Thursday. They had a blast playing putt-putt, swimming, coloring, and just running around and exploring everything. We also all went to the Olympic Training Center one day, which I think the adults enjoyed more than the kids. On Wednesday, Tyler's first day of school, Nana and Bapa went down to Trinidad and since Justin was off of work we kept Carter with us. We went up to Denver to show Olivia off at his work and Carter got to chose his lunch and he wanted ravioli so we went to Magiannio's . After a celebratory dinner at Red Robin for the first day of school, Carter went back to the campsite. He enjoyed his one on one time with Nana and Bapa Thursday and loved getting to swim all morning. After Justin and I picked up Tyler we went up there and played putt-putt with our big boys and then cooked out hamburgers for dinner. We said goodbye to them that night and were sad to see them go. The boys can't wait to go camping with Nana and Bapa again.
1st Day of Kindergarten
Well the day finally came - the 1st day of Kindergarten. At first I was most anxious for Tyler, worried that he would be scared to death, but quickly learned I should be more concerned for Justin and I. On Tuesday Tyler got to go to his classroom, meet his teacher, and turn in his school supplies. He was so excited to go and showed no signs of anxiousness when we got there. He loved looking at his whole classroom, and found his spot right away. Which according to him, is the perfect spot because he can see everything. He also liked that his room has computers in it and the playground in right outside his door. Justin and I were both amazed at how well he was doing. That night we got his backpack ready and he helped me pack his lunch. He went to bed pretty easily after Justin cuddled with him (he was missing Carter who was with Nana and Bapa).
On Wednesday we got up nice and early and Justin made him pancakes for breakfast. Carter was with Nana and Bapa still, so we loaded Tyler, Nolan, and Olivia up and headed off for the first day of school. When we got there he didn't want to play on the playground, just hang out with me. Although he didn't really seem that nervous either. He stood in line where they are suppose to line up and went in with no problems. He waved bye, blew me a kiss and then he was gone. Justin and I on the other hand had a few tears once we were home. When we picked him up he had a big smile on his face and had he had a great day. He did have an accident at the end of the day, because he was to nervous to tell his teacher. He didn't really remember an of his friends names, but one boy did have a cool Star Wars towel. He did fine at lunch and ate most of the things we packed for him. He said he had a great day and wanted to go back - a good sign I would say! I still can't believe I have a Kindergartner, one who is gone from me as much of the day as he is with me - 6.5 hours is a long time! But mostly he amazed me with how grown up he has become. The fact that he went right in with no problems just tells Justin and I we made the right choice by holding him back a year. I love that he has so much confidence and I couldn't be more proud of my boy.
One Year Check-Up
While the big boys were with Nana and Bapa, Justin and I took Nolan and Olivia to Nolan's one year check-up. he is doing very well overall. He has however dropped in his weight percentile once again - down to the 10th percentile. So we are trying to keep him there instead of him dropping again by giving him some instant breakfast drinks and putting butter on everything. We did all this with Tyler as well so its something we are used to as well. He is on track in every area except for his communication skills. He still doesn't have any words and reminds us of Tyler at this age where he just has tantrums instead of even trying to communicate with us. If he has no words at 15 months we are going to refer him to get him tested for speech therapy. Besides all that stuff he is doing just great and we are so happy for a healthy happy boy! His stats this time are: weight - 19 lbs 7 oz, 10th percentile, height - 29 1/4 inches, 25th percentile.
Oma's Visit
We had a wonderful time with Oma here. She was, as always, a great help. She made us lots of yummy food, changed lots of diapers, and even hired a cleaning service before Nolan's party so I wouldn't have to worry about it. The boys of course loved having her around as well. One day she took all three boys, along with Jessie and their kids, to the zoo so that I could have a morning at home with just Livi. She also bought Tyler and Carter a hermit crab with a spiderman shell, whom they call Hermie (after going through many other names - Bob, Tom, Sammer, Hermic, etc). Tyler was very excited that he was going to be able to tell his Kindergarten class that he now has two pets - a dog and a hermit crab! We all said goodbye to Oma after Nolan's party and started missing her right away. We can't wait til we get to see her again!
1st Birthday Party
We had a wonderful 1st birthday party for Nolan last weekend. Oma came over in the morning to help get some food ready and spend some time with Nolan and Olivia. Bapa and Nana came over and got Tyler and Carter to hang out at their campsite with Griffin, Noah, and Faith. Nolan took his naps perfectly and woke up right before party time. He seemed to enjoy his dinner and his opening his gifts, but he LOVED his cake. Justin made a monkey cake for our little monkey, and Nolan got his own monkey face to smash up. He destroyed the cake before shoving it in his mouth - so fun! He also loved playing on the trampoline. We made all the big kids get off of their could be baby time on the tramp with Avery and Savannah. Nolan had a blast, as did the two girls. Nolan also just loved getting to crawl all over the backyard to his delight. We are so blessed to have so many great friends who came down to celebrate his birthday and to meet Olivia. It was a great day!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Nolan!!!!
Nolan, I can't believe its been a year since you joined our family. It seemed like you were always a part of it though. The transition of you being born was so easy because it was like you were always a part of us. You have been a laid back, easy baby from the beginning. You never cared being brought place to place to get your brothers to their activities. You were always a good sleeper and eater and you still are.
As you are getting older you are always making us laugh and smile. Your smile is contagious and with your beautiful blue eyes people can't help themselves but comment on your cuteness. I love the little curls of your hair, the way your belly button is a tiny outie, the way the top of your feet are always filthy from you crawling everywhere, and your mischievous look you give me when you know you shouldn't be doing something.
You do love to get into everything. It seems that you have taken up this phase a little early. Already getting into the toilet, dog food, and trash, it seems we can't baby proof enough things. You have also already started tantrums early. When you aren't allowed to go somewhere you want, like outside with your brothers, you will lay on the floor, put your head back and cry. And for a child who doesn't walk you sure climb everything. At the play area of the mall you can go up any slide or structure. At home you climb from our couch on to bookshelves or anything else that looks like fun. I have a feeling you will be climbing out of your crib earlier than either of your brothers.
Speaking of you brothers - you absolutely are smitten with them. You want to do whatever they are doing and will just watch out the door when they are outside hoping to be with them. Your favorite room in the house is their bedroom. Not a room you get to go into very often, but when you get the chance we can't wipe the grin off your face. And they love you too. They love to teach you new things, read to you, tell me what you are doing in the car, and they love to make you laugh. Your world has been turned upside down in the last week with Olivia. Right now you are not so sure of her, but every once in a while you go up to her and just smile and I know that you guys will be fast friends as well. I can't wait to see you take on the big brother role with her.
I love that you are a mama's boy, Always wanting me and always willing to give me hugs and kisses. You laying on me just cuddling is one of my favorite things in the world. It will be a sad day when you no longer want to cuddle with me. As much as I can't wait to see you take your first steps and start talking up a storm (I think that would help with the tantrums) I also know how much I will miss this stage with you. So Nolan, my big one year old, I know you are about to grow up so quickly in the next year, amazing me with what you can do every day. But do mommy a favor and still be my little cuddle bug. I love you Nolan Isaac - Happy Birthday!!!!
As you are getting older you are always making us laugh and smile. Your smile is contagious and with your beautiful blue eyes people can't help themselves but comment on your cuteness. I love the little curls of your hair, the way your belly button is a tiny outie, the way the top of your feet are always filthy from you crawling everywhere, and your mischievous look you give me when you know you shouldn't be doing something.
You do love to get into everything. It seems that you have taken up this phase a little early. Already getting into the toilet, dog food, and trash, it seems we can't baby proof enough things. You have also already started tantrums early. When you aren't allowed to go somewhere you want, like outside with your brothers, you will lay on the floor, put your head back and cry. And for a child who doesn't walk you sure climb everything. At the play area of the mall you can go up any slide or structure. At home you climb from our couch on to bookshelves or anything else that looks like fun. I have a feeling you will be climbing out of your crib earlier than either of your brothers.
Speaking of you brothers - you absolutely are smitten with them. You want to do whatever they are doing and will just watch out the door when they are outside hoping to be with them. Your favorite room in the house is their bedroom. Not a room you get to go into very often, but when you get the chance we can't wipe the grin off your face. And they love you too. They love to teach you new things, read to you, tell me what you are doing in the car, and they love to make you laugh. Your world has been turned upside down in the last week with Olivia. Right now you are not so sure of her, but every once in a while you go up to her and just smile and I know that you guys will be fast friends as well. I can't wait to see you take on the big brother role with her.
I love that you are a mama's boy, Always wanting me and always willing to give me hugs and kisses. You laying on me just cuddling is one of my favorite things in the world. It will be a sad day when you no longer want to cuddle with me. As much as I can't wait to see you take your first steps and start talking up a storm (I think that would help with the tantrums) I also know how much I will miss this stage with you. So Nolan, my big one year old, I know you are about to grow up so quickly in the next year, amazing me with what you can do every day. But do mommy a favor and still be my little cuddle bug. I love you Nolan Isaac - Happy Birthday!!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Photo Shoot
So I can't help myself from finally having a little girl to dress up! I had Olivia do a little photo shoot in some of her bows and her tutus. I must say she is the prettiest thing ever. Enjoy the pictures!
Uncle BJ and Cousins
BJ and his family are in town for Abbi's dad memorial service. To give the kids a break and so that they could meet Olivia, BJ, Toby, and Norah came down on Sunday. We had a nice day together, with lots of jumping and talking Star Wars. Like always the boys had a blast playing with Toby. Norah was very cute holding her newest cousin and I was glad that BJ got to meet his newest niece.
4 Day Check-Up
On Monday Olivia had her 4 day appointment. My mom stayed home with the boys so the two of us were off. She left the hospital at 7 lbs 1 oz and is now 6 lbs 15 oz. Since she is still a little below her birth weight we will continue to wake her up at night every 4 hours for the few days at least. She is also a little jaundice, but not enough to even test, just to keep an eye out for. She is also already spitting up, but we are just going to watch that for now as well and if it gets worse get her on the medicine. As the doctor put it I am "an experienced mom" I don't need to bring her back til she is one month. Of course if I have any concerns we will go in right away. Nolan also has his 1 year check up next week so I will get a quick weight on her then to make sure she has added some ounces. All in all a very healthy girl!!
In Love
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Pictures from Olivia's Arrival
Here are just some more pictures of when we finally got to meet our daughter. My mom was there too, which I was so happy she was a part of. She is an only daughter, I am her only daughter and I gave birth to my only daughter. It was a pretty special moment for all of us. Justin was, as always, great during the whole process and is in awe of his daughter.
Introducing Olivia Joy!
She is here!!! Olivia Joy made her big appearance on August 4, 2001 at 6:21 pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches. She has dark blue eyes, light brown hair and is just perfect!
It all started on Thursday when I went in for my 39 week appointment. My mom came into town the night before so she was watching all three boys for me at home. I was really hoping that she was head down and that I had made some progress, but I wasn't counting on anything. To my surprise she was head down! I was also 3 cm dilated!! My sister in law Abbi had lost her father the night before and knowing that they would wan/.need my mom's help during the services I let my doctor know that if we could have her earlier than Monday, it would be helpful and appreciated. My doctor said since she was head down and I had made progress, and because he didn't want her to flip again, he would call the hospital and tell them I was in labor and to admit me. I went home, gave my mom some instructions, grabbed my bags and my mom drove me to the hospital.
When I got there I was having some contractions but not much really going on. They set me all up with my i.v. and asked me all the admitting questions and we waited for Justin to arrive before starting the epidural. We thought my doctor would take about an hour to come in and then would break my water to get things really started, so the nurse figured just to give my my epidural now. Justin got there, I got my epidural, and the wait began. It ended up taking a lot longer as my doctor was delivering a first time mom who took about 3 hours of pushes before her baby arrived. Around 2:30 pm they started the pictocin and the doctor arrived around 3:30 to break my water. At this point I was still only 4 cm.
Leah, Marj, and Heather were so wonderful and watched the boys at our house so my mom could come and be with us during the delivery. She arrived around 1:30, so she was waiting for a while as well! Around 5 pm I started feeling my contractions and pushing the button for more pain meds with the epidural wasn't really helping. All the epidural was doing at that point was making my legs go totally numb I couldn't even wiggle my toes. They checked me and I was only at 5! I couldn't believe it. They called the anesthesiologist to come and give me some more meds since the epidural wasn't doing its job. The contractions were right on top of each other and I felt each one. The anesthesiologist finally arrived at 6 pm and gave me more meds, they checked me and I was complete and ready to push. 5 to 10 cm in 1 hour! We got everything set up and 4 pushes later out she came! My mom and Justin tell me that once her head was out she actually turned over to try to see me and gave a little squeak. Her apgars were 8/9 and she stayed with us the whole time! It was my first delivery without any issues and was just perfect! Because I got my extra pain meds so late they didn't really kick in until after the delivery. I could not move my legs at all for about 3 hours. They had to keep me in bed to go up to the mom/baby room instead of a wheelchair because I would have fallen out of the wheelchair. But if that was the only problem I will take it!
Justin went home around 10:30 and the nurses were kind enough to take care of Olivia all night in the nursery so I could rest. The boys came by the next morning with my mom and we can't believe we are now a family of 6. We love you Olivia Joy, welcome to the world baby girl!
It all started on Thursday when I went in for my 39 week appointment. My mom came into town the night before so she was watching all three boys for me at home. I was really hoping that she was head down and that I had made some progress, but I wasn't counting on anything. To my surprise she was head down! I was also 3 cm dilated!! My sister in law Abbi had lost her father the night before and knowing that they would wan/.need my mom's help during the services I let my doctor know that if we could have her earlier than Monday, it would be helpful and appreciated. My doctor said since she was head down and I had made progress, and because he didn't want her to flip again, he would call the hospital and tell them I was in labor and to admit me. I went home, gave my mom some instructions, grabbed my bags and my mom drove me to the hospital.
When I got there I was having some contractions but not much really going on. They set me all up with my i.v. and asked me all the admitting questions and we waited for Justin to arrive before starting the epidural. We thought my doctor would take about an hour to come in and then would break my water to get things really started, so the nurse figured just to give my my epidural now. Justin got there, I got my epidural, and the wait began. It ended up taking a lot longer as my doctor was delivering a first time mom who took about 3 hours of pushes before her baby arrived. Around 2:30 pm they started the pictocin and the doctor arrived around 3:30 to break my water. At this point I was still only 4 cm.
Leah, Marj, and Heather were so wonderful and watched the boys at our house so my mom could come and be with us during the delivery. She arrived around 1:30, so she was waiting for a while as well! Around 5 pm I started feeling my contractions and pushing the button for more pain meds with the epidural wasn't really helping. All the epidural was doing at that point was making my legs go totally numb I couldn't even wiggle my toes. They checked me and I was only at 5! I couldn't believe it. They called the anesthesiologist to come and give me some more meds since the epidural wasn't doing its job. The contractions were right on top of each other and I felt each one. The anesthesiologist finally arrived at 6 pm and gave me more meds, they checked me and I was complete and ready to push. 5 to 10 cm in 1 hour! We got everything set up and 4 pushes later out she came! My mom and Justin tell me that once her head was out she actually turned over to try to see me and gave a little squeak. Her apgars were 8/9 and she stayed with us the whole time! It was my first delivery without any issues and was just perfect! Because I got my extra pain meds so late they didn't really kick in until after the delivery. I could not move my legs at all for about 3 hours. They had to keep me in bed to go up to the mom/baby room instead of a wheelchair because I would have fallen out of the wheelchair. But if that was the only problem I will take it!
Justin went home around 10:30 and the nurses were kind enough to take care of Olivia all night in the nursery so I could rest. The boys came by the next morning with my mom and we can't believe we are now a family of 6. We love you Olivia Joy, welcome to the world baby girl!
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