Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One of those Days

Its been one of those days. The days when the boys seemed to have lost their hearing. Tyler was in time out 5 times within 2 hours of waking up. I even put Carter in time out twice. They just can't saty away from the dog bowl. First they put the dog food in the dog's water. After that was cleaned up they decided to put their magnets in the water. Then they thought they should just splash in the water. I can undertsand Carter doing this. He s 15 months and exploring his boundaries, but Tyler. He has known the dog bowls are off limits for months now, but it's one of those days I guess. On top of all this, Tyler refused to clean up countless times throughout the morning.

I was hoping with Tyler having speech today it would improve with his behavior - nope. We were having his quarterly evaluation today, which means a lot of paperwork and going over his stengths and weeknesses. Becuase of this his therapist didn't bring her toys for Tyler to play with. So I got out the rice table thinking that would keep the boys occupied. 5 minutes later I had a pound of rice all over my floor. I put the rice table away and get out some of Tyler's favorite toys - he decided to throw them everywhere and Carter thought this also looked like fun. What a mess. Tyler finally cleaned up after everyone left so he could have lunch.

What a morning - I am so glad its nap time. Although nap will be cut short so I can take Carter to the doctor. For the past few days he has had a very mucousy cough. At first I contributed it to cutting some teeth (his top two 1 year molars popped thru on Saturday). I thought since he was drooling more, maybe all that created the cough. But since its still lingering we are going in to make sure its nothing else and we are ok to go to church tomorrow. I am already for tomorrow to be here!

A little speech update - Tyler is doing very well. We have new goals to work on before June, when he will transition out of the birth to three program and we find out if he qualifes for the preschoool program or not. We really want to work on his social/emotional skills. We would like to see him interacting with peers more, and also relating his needs to others besides Justin and me and outside of the home setting. We are also going to set up a sensory consult to make sure everything is ok there. This is more precautionary than anything, but we are trying to rule everything out before June. I am already nervous about June and the decsions we will have to make for Tyler. Hopefully some of these issues will be resolved by then.

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