Friday, February 29, 2008

Sick again....

Carter has been coughing on and off the past couple days and had a small fever yesterday. When he woke up from his naps his eyes also looked a little swollen and pink. He has been very irritable and not eating either so after Tyler's OT appointment we headed to the pediatrician (I really think we should be able to buy season passes or something at this rate). So no ear infection, but a sinus infection which is draining into his eye. He is now on amoxicillin and will hopefully be his happy self tomorrow.

Tyler is continuing to talk up a storm at the nursery lately. I am trying to decide if I should ask to be out of his room or not. I love being in his room so I can watch him and see how he is doing myself. The other teachers always tell me how he is doing, but you never really know. I also just love his room and like to be in there if he is in there or not. However sometimes I wonder if its hurting him more if I am in there with him. When I am with him he is more likely to have his meltdowns and to only talk to me. Although today they needed to bring him to me so that I could give him some pressure hugs to calm him down. Also he seem to do more interacting with other kids when I am with him. Luckily my wonderful boss is all about whats best for Tyler so its pretty much my decision. Decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I like the season pass idea. I've had that same thought before. There have been times that we go to the doc. once a week for several weeks at a time. And that is great that you can do what is best for Tyler at when you are working. For me it is best if I'm not in Carissa or Gabe's class, and until a few months ago it was best if Gabe didn't see me pass by during the day either.