Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So Happy Together

The boys are playing so well together. I Love It! It really makes the hard moments - the ones when they are both screaming for no reason - worth it. At dinner the other night the boys were giving each other high fives back and forth. Tyler will be driving his trash truck and make sure Carter also has one. If I put one boy in time out on the naughty step, the other one also goes and sits on the naughty step (I know I need to stop this, but its sooo cute!). Oh and one small brag - Carter says naughty step!

Tyler is also showing that he is the big brother. If Carter throws food at the table it will be Tyler to tell him "no throwing Carter". We were at the grocery store and Tyler asked to get a cookies. I told him no cookies. Carter starts saying "cookie, cookie, cookie". Tyler responds "no cookies Carter!"

Carter also tries to do whatever Tyler is doing. When Tyler gets into one of his moods of running into things, running around like a crazy person, etc. I try to make him jump up and down and push on the wall to help settle him (things I have learned form the OT). Carter will also try to jump up and down along with him, but its more like squatting.

I love watching them play. Its the highlights of my day.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

I love reading about how they interact. I've already experienced the fun of this with Matthew & Scarlett and as she gets older I know it will happen more & more.