Monday, December 31, 2007
Daddy's Proudest Moment
We were all upstairs cleaning up and hanging out. Tyler goes downstairs and we hear the t.v. turn on. We figure out its a football game so we decide its ok for him to keep it on, thinking that he is playing and its on as background noise. A few minutes later Justin looks downstairs. Tyler is sitting on the couch, with his hand on his diaper, and an empty glass in his hand. Every few seconds or so he would take a "sip" from the glass.
Tyler looks up at Justin and says "watching football". We all go downstairs to watch the game with Tyler. He sits and watches for a good ten minutes - which is the longest he has ever sat I think. At one point he said he needed more water in his glass. He gets up off the couch walks upstairs and comes back downstairs with his glass still empty of course. He climbs back on the couch, takes another sip and says "mmm good water" and continues to watch the game.
Daddy couldn't be prouder.
One last Christmas Present
Back to Normal
We went back to their hotel and I mistakenly let Tyler see the swimming pool. He had a major tantrum and screamed the whole way home because he couldn't go swimming. When we put him in the car in the morning to go back over to the hotel, he immediately asked to go in the water. This time he was allowed and had a great time. Both of the boys love the water, and Tyler even got a little daring towards the end jumping into the "cool". We all went out for lunch and then said our goodbyes. It was great to see them all again, but it was nice last night to have a "normal" night (even tho we went to see some friends, that is more normal for our kiddos).
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Baby!
Another Christmas
Carter and Tyler were more into opening the gifts this time than on Tuesday. Carter is very meticulous when opening. He rips off tiny pieces one at a time. Tyler just rips and rips until he can see a tiny piece of the present and then goes to grab another present. Now I just have to find places for all their new stuff.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
White Christmas
Off we go...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Brotherly Love
Monday, December 17, 2007
Big Boy
Sunday, December 16, 2007
We're Cooking
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Updates and other ramblings...
The therapist also asked me if I wanted Tyler to see a child psychologist. This totally put me back. Tyler is already showing signs of being a perfectionist. He is very much a Type A personality. I have no idea where he gets this from. Anyway, say he is building Legos and they topple over. Tyler gets beside himself. The first few times he will be ok about it. He will scream NO, fuss a little and then build it up again. However if it keeps falling over he will get beside himself. Have a total meltdown, where there really isn't much I an do to help him. I try to intervene before this happens and ask him if I can help. But this doesn't always work. Because of these meltdowns, the therapist wants a psychologist to work with Tyler on how to deal with these things. I thought this was normal two year old behavior? She says this behavior should be getting better and with Tyler it seems to be about the same, if not getting worse.
I have decided that I am not going to worry about it. If I get a call for him to see a child psychologist one day then we will go to the appointment. However I will not go and seek one out myself. I guess we will see how worried the therapist is about Tyler. If she really think its that big of a deal she will call our service coordinator to set it up for us. Gotta love the wait and see game.
Tyler also bit in the nursery yesterday! I couldn't believe it since he had been doing so well. The director, as usual, was very nice about it. I isolated Tyler for a little bit, made sure I sat at his table for lunch so it wouldn't happen again, and then he was allowed to play again. I am not quite sure why he bit the kid either. It was during circle time that I was leading. The kids were suppose to be singing songs with me. This doesn't interest Tyler so he was climbing on a foam structure we have with another child. I am not sure if there was pushing involved or what, but he bit him on the back. Luckily the kid's mom was very nice about it. Her response was "good, now he knows what it feels like when he bites his brother". Man I love it when other moms understand! I just hope this doesn't become a daily thing again.
Justin decided to put all the ornaments up. So the bottom two feet of our tree has zero ornaments. However this has still not worked. Carter now just reaches up and takes off the ornaments he can reach. Do we make it so half the tree has ornaments and the other half doesn't?
Here fishy fishy
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Oh Christmas tree
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Potty Training
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Love you too
Tonight I had to work so it was Justin's job to put the boys to bed. When I got home I hear Tyler saying "mommy home". I go up to his room to find him wide awake with his pants off (his new favorite thing to do). I put his pants back on, give him hugs and tell him good night. About 5 minutes later he is crying and I tell Justin to go get him, as usually that is who he wants when he wakes up crying.
Next thing I know Tyler is walking down the stairs and Justin says he wanted me. Well after singing a few songs and Hana licking his feet making him giggle with delight I finally understand that he wants me to sing the prayer song. So we sing the song and say our prayers and he is on his way upstairs off to bed. I guess Justin forgot to say them tonight and Tyler can be very particular about his routines. Justin lays him down and rubs his back and says "love you Tyler". Tyler responds "love you too". Melt Melt Melt. Hopefully I will hear this soon too.
*Justin came and told me all this with tears in his eyes, making it even that more precious. My boys sure do have a wonderful father.
Monday, December 3, 2007
ABC's, 123's, trees, and please
He will now try to sing the ABC's with me! I will start singing and stop and he will add in the letter. He usually gets S, Z, P and C. Also we have the Leap Frog Letters . I highly recommend them. He will grab a letter and tell me what it is. He knows T and O with 100% accuracy. About 50-75% of the time he gets C, D, S, Z, and G. Yesterday he also came up to me holding the B and said "B ba". Oh the teacher in me gets so excited to see this!!
Its the same with counting. Counting used to be "two, two, two". Now he can count to 3, sometimes 4 with no help. As I count on he can add in 6, 8 and 10. I guess him learning how to be patient is paying off (when we tell him he has to be patient we make him clasp his hands and count).
Tyler is also not the best veggie eater. At best he will eat green
Justin and I are trying to make our boys grow up learning that there are other people in the world besides them. They need to be respectful and loving of others at all times. This goes along with teaching them manners. We have been working on please and thank you with Tyler for who knows how long. Please was actually one of the very first signs he learned. Well, he is now saying it without prompting. During lunch he heard a trash truck go by. He looks at me and says" see tash tuck peas". He wanted to go see the trash truck. Usually when he is eating I don't let him get down until he is done. But because he asked so nicely I let him go see it. He came back after waving bye to the truck and finished up his trees. A mother couldn't be prouder!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Here comes Santa Claus
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Fat Lip
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
One Year Old
Monday, November 26, 2007
First Word
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Last chance for fun in the sun
It has been unseasonably warm here lately so we took the chance to go to the park for most likely the last time of the year. The boys always have a blast at the park. Carter loves the swings and Tyler loves to climb and slide. He gets more daring every time we go. He is even more so when Daddy is there as well. When I just go with the boys, I have to hold/watch Carter so
I also tried unsuccessfully to get a good Christmas picture of the two of them in their sweaters. However, like most times I try to take a picture of both of them, one of them is not looking at the camera, or they are crying,....or trying to kill each other. Any suggestions?
Friday, November 23, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
Oh did you notice I figured out how to do the links!
Girls Night
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Anyway I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with the ones you love. In my family we grew up remembering to give thanks to those who serve and fight for this great country of ours. I thought this is a great reminder of that . I am not sure how to add links to this so if someone wants to tell me I would appreciate it!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Growing Up
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Church Update
Carter is starting to get in the hitting phase, He really isn't hitting, more going up to someone and just kind of slapping their arm (I think he is experimenting more than anything). Anyway when he does it to Tyler, Tyler will just calmly say "no hit". He still hits his brother as well, but at least he knows he nor Carter are supposed to be hitting!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Young Life
So last night was the first time the boys went to a club. There were probably 50 high schoolers there and 10 other leaders. The boys did do pretty well, but I feel like instead of being with the students I was concentrating on my kids. I guess we will just have to see how it goes.
This morning we had a play group with Gavin and Colin. Gavin is about 3 weeks older than Tyler and Colin is about 3 weeks younger than Carter. The boys played well for the most part, just a little pushing here and there. We have bins that we keep all the toys in. Tyler and Gavin (mostly Tyler) decided to dump out all the bins (I don't usually let him do this, but then I remember he is 2 and its fun for him). So I say good job Tyler you got all the bins. He looks at me and smiles and finds one more bin and dumps it - gotta love his personality!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Relaxing Sunday
Friday, November 9, 2007
Eskimo Kisses
Tonight at dinner was a first for Tyler. Usually as we when we eat the boys babble back and forth. We talk to the boys but also at times get wrapped up in our own conversations. This was the case tonight, until I hear a "MOM"! Yep not mama, not mommy, but a full fledged Mom and yelling too. When I looked at Tyler he simply said "ore sesup" -more ketchup. Can this stage already be here??? Justin looks at me and says "how about we not respond to that positively". Hopefully that will do the trick for now.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Carter also loves to help with the dishes. It really cracks Justin and I up. He toddles into the kitchen minding his own business when we are either unloading or loading the dishwasher. He then grabs a spoon, spatula, or whatever else looks fun and RUNS out of the kitchen hoping no one notices. What a big helper!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Much better day!
We then did one of my very favorite things that Tyler loves to do - read . He will ask me to read to him a book or two and of course I always oblige. I love this time because its one of the few times he will actually sit in my life. But then when he is done with me reading to him h
Brenda, his speech therapist then came over and worked with Tyler for about an hour. Working with Tyler means pretty much just playing with Tyler. Tyler does not usually talk in front of Brenda even tho she has been coming close to 8 months now. Today he did do a little better tho and she think he is doing great - as do I. The only concern right now is that he doesn't answer to questions. If you ask him do you want to go outside, instead of saying yes he will just say outside. Or if Carter is napping and you ask where he is he will just point, not answer. So I have to try to prompt him more to answer in words. I am not suppose to give in until he answers. This will be accompanied with a lot of crying and whining I am sure. Tyler does not like, nor do I, when I have to frustrate him on purpose.
After speech as a special treat we all went to Chick-fil -a (with fruit instead of fries of course). The boys love the chicken nuggets there and its one fast food that I don't mind too much giving to them. It was so nice to have such a great day with the boys after yesterdays debacle.
Monday, November 5, 2007
If only the boys were at daycare...
Weekend Recap
The boys woke up at 6:45 on Sunday, but I cant complain too much because they played in their cribs nicely until 7:30 letting Justin and I sleep in. Justin made us all breakfasts and hashbrown casserole and then it was time to watch some football. We later ran some errands.
We did have on nice surprise to this rather boring weekend. One of Justin's best friends from high school (actually he is the pastor that married us) was in Denver for a meeting. When he called we invited him right down. It was very nice to catch up.
On a bad note I am sick with a stomach bug. Tyler seems to be acting fine today tho so hopefully it didn't hit him too hard and no one else will get it.
Friday, November 2, 2007
It amazes me how two boys only a year apart coming from the same parents can be so different from one another. I get asked at least once a week if they are twins and everyone says you can obviously tell they are brothers. There are some obvious differences - Carter weighs only 2 lbs less than Tyler is. When Tyler was a year old he weighed 3 lbs less than Carter is now.
Its their personality differences that really get me however. Tyler is and always was a lot more active than Carter. Carter is happy to cuddle in your lap for up to 5 minutes, with Tyler you were lucky to get 5 seconds. However Carter gets into so much more than Tyler ever did. When we were baby proofing the house for Tyler we bought those toilet locks. Never had to use them - until Carter started cruising that is. Carter is also systematically destroying all my photo albums one by one. Tyler never went near them, well until the day Carter found them.
Carter is also so much more sensitive. Tyler shrugs things off and has a much higher pain tolerance (or at least acts like it doesn't hurt). Carter is my tantrum child. At one year old he already has the throwing the head back to lay down and scream. Tyler has yet to really have what I would call a tantrum. If he starts one I can usually reason with him to stop.
Tyler is the aggressor. He has his well documented biting problem, but also loves to wrestle and run into things such as couches, pillows and walls just for laughs. Carter is very laid back and takes it all in. Tyler is my observer and loves to people watch. A time out for Tyler on a naughty step is fun for him - he gets to watch everyone. I have yet to give Carter a time out. He bursts into tears if you say no sternly at him.
I can't wait to see how these little personalities will grow and change as they get older. I wonder if they will clash or help them to get along even better. Will one of them love sports and the other music? Will one love school and the other hate getting up each morning? I can't wait to find out.
*The pictures are of both of them at exactly a year old. Similar yet so different.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Without a cart
Anyway I wanted Tyler to be able to walk thru the store holding onto my hand or the cart without to many problems. We tried it tonight when it was all four of us. I am very proud to say that Tyler did awesome. At no point he did try to run off or let go of our hands. The biggest problem was him "helping" us shop by taking things we didn't need off the shelves and putting them in the cart. However he was very good about putting them back on the shelves. At the end of the trip, as a reward, he got to put all the items on the conveyor belt. I love the look on his face when you can see how proud of himself he is.
I must say that I feel pretty confident now taking the boys shopping and letting him walk thru the stores. I know they will not always go as smoothly, but I know he can do it. Maybe I will even get enough nerve to go clothes shopping without the beast - also known as our double stroller.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Ween

Back to Work
Part of me is excited. I am excited to have that adult interaction during the day. To see the kids again, to have a break from the boys and the boys from me. I am also somewhat hopeful that Tyler will be better. We went once last week to sub for someone and he did an awesome job. However tomorrow I really go back to work.
I have so enjoyed this time with the boys. We went to playgroups, did crafts, went to the park, all the things I cant do on days we go to work. It reminds me of the time, a little over a year ago, when I was at home with Tyler awaiting Carters arrival. I will always treasure that time Tyler and I had. Not to say that I don't treasure the times I have with both of them now. But that time when it was just Tyler and me and I wasn't working I will always hold close to my heart. We had new adventures everyday. I loved bringing him everywhere and he loved going everywhere. This month has been just like that - only now I have two. I love even running to the supermarket in the middle of the day and being told what cute boys I have. I love going to the park and watching them scream with delight on the swings. I love watching Tyler yell "Carter" and run up the stairs the minute he hears Carter awake from his morning nap. Tomorrow, once again this will not be my daily life - I go back to work.
I will miss all these things. But the boys love going to church and learning all sorts of things and I love working there. Justin and I have decided that I would also cut back my hours. I now will have 2 days home with the boys, sometimes more. Maybe now its the best of both worlds. I am going to treasure my days off and enjoy my days working. So tomorrow I go back to work.